4 Essential Things to Keep in Mind When Fixing Your Damaged Asphalt Driveway

4 Essential Things to Keep in Mind When Fixing Your Damaged Asphalt Driveway

4 Essential Things to Keep in Mind When Fixing Your Damaged Asphalt Driveway

23 September 2021
, Blog

Asphalt is one of the most popular driveway materials for many reasons. It is durable, attractive, skid-resistant (making it safer), smooth,and cost-effective, among other benefits. However, even with its longevity, your asphalt driveway isn't immune to damages. Over time, it may develop cracks or pits that will require repairs. Fortunately, fixing cracks and holes in your asphalt driveway isn't always complicated, and you can do it on your own. However, you must follow specific steps and techniques and use the right tools to get it right. With that in mind, here are some tips and tricks to help you get the job done the right way.

Determine The Size of The Hole/Crack

The degree of damage to your asphalt driveway will always determine the best way to fix it. Therefore, assess the size of the cracks or holes in it. Generally, crack fillers will do the trick for small cracks. They are typically easy to use, and you can apply directly from the tube or use a caulking gun. However, for larger cracks and holes, you will need to go for asphalt patch products. And in more severe cases, you may have to remove the destroyed section entirely and replace it. Keep in mind that this entails replacing the subgrade too. Therefore, if you are not confident about the subgrade preparations, it would be best to leave this to a professional.

Check The Weather Before You Start

Once you figure out the ideal solution to your asphalt damages, it's time to start prepping the surface for repairs. However, check the weather first because it will make all the difference in the success of your repairs. For the best results, you need a hot and dry day to carry out your repairs. That's because cold and rainy weather can interfere with the curing of your asphalt fillers and patches.

Clean The Surface

Don't forget to clean the surface before you start repairs. Therefore, get rid of all dust, dirt, vegetation and anything else that can make it difficult for your asphalt repair products to adhere appropriately. You can choose to vacuum up loose debris and dirt or sweep the surface. In addition, a light power spray or wash of the damaged section with a hose can also come in handy, but remember to leave it to dry before you start. For weeds and other vegetation, you can remove them manually or use a weed killer.

Don't Forget to Seal

Sealing the cracks or damages after fixing them is crucial for many reasons. For instance, it prevents water or moisture intrusion, prevents oxidation (which generally causes deterioration), improves skid resistance, makes the surface easier to clean, extends your driveway's life and protects your asphalt binder from petroleum-based liquids (from leaks in vehicles).

For more information about asphalt repairs, contact a local contractor.

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Should You Invest In Infrared Asphalt Repairs?

Asphalt remains one of the top paving materials for various reasons ranging from being more cost-efficient than concrete to providing residential driveways and commercial parking lots with longevity. But despite the advantages that this material offers, it is not immune to eventual wear. And once your asphalt paving needs professional attention, one of the restorative measures that your paving contractors can take is infrared asphalt repairs. As the name implies, this type of restoration entails the use of heat from infrared rays to penetrate and fix pre-existing problems. A major benefit of this solution is that the surface of the asphalt will not need replacing. Furthermore, the repair process is time efficient and is not as arduous nor as expensive as complete resurfacing of the asphalt. Read the posts here for additional advantages of infrared asphalt repairs to establish why you should invest in this restorative solution.
